From this axios issue (Thanks to zhuyifan2013 for giving the solution), I've found that axios timeout is response timeout not connection timeout.. Let say you've requested the URL through axios and server is taking long time to respond, in this case the axios timeout will work.. The AbortController Interface provides an abort() method that toggles the state of a corresponding AbortSignal object. Fetch API . From this axios issue (Thanks to zhuyifan2013 for giving the solution), I've found that axios timeout is response timeout not connection timeout.. Let say you've requested the URL through axios and server is taking long time to respond, in this case the axios timeout will work.. DataHandler. The AbortController Interface provides an abort() method that toggles the state of a corresponding AbortSignal object. For more information, see the Prerendering section. Returns a Node.js Readable stream that outputs an HTML string. The JSON used to create the property values when the PortalItem is loaded. ; fetch integrates with it: we pass the signal property as the option, and then fetch listens to it, so its possible to abort the fetch. Process execution for humans. Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js - GitHub - axios/axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js new AbortController (). // polyfill abort controller if needed import 'yet-another-abortcontroller-polyfill' import Request from 'umi-request'; const controller = new AbortController (); // create a controller const {signal } = controller; // grab a reference to its associated AbortSignal object using the AbortController.signal property signal. fetch request AbortSignal { signal } The new promise resolves when all listed promises are resolved, and the array of their results becomes its result. For instance, the Promise.all below settles after 3 seconds, and then its result is an array [1, 2, 3]: Body is an abstract interface with methods that are applicable to both Request and Response classes.. body.body (deviation from spec) Node.js Readable stream; Data are encapsulated in the Body object. For more information, see the Prerendering section. In v3, we support the AbortController interface which allows you to abort requests as and when desired. ESHIKOTO20 For example, in an airport, when the runway is clear for take off, a signal Otherwise, the query parameters will be added to the body request parameters if the body property is not set, and a DELETE, POST, or PUT request is used. We fully covered method, headers and body in the chapter Fetch.. * @param options Set `reset: false` if you don't want the `